The 8.5% inflation rate in 2022 has impacted nearly every industry, including the medical field. The cost of the raw materials that create medical supplies and devices has increased, so the price of purchasing has gone up as well. 

One way of decreasing your facility’s costs is to buy refurbished medical equipment. As long as you buy from a reputable supplier, the equipment will work like new, and many suppliers offer full-service agreements, meaning they will continually supply service, parts, labor, clinical training, and application support.

Read on to learn more about service agreements and their benefits. 

What Is a Service Agreement?

A service agreement is a type of legal contract. It sets out a service’s terms and conditions, and the client and service provider agree on these rules. Some people also refer to this contract as a “contractor agreement.”

Sometimes, service providers and clients make verbal agreements. However, a written legal contract is the best choice because it offers concrete proof of the agreements made and helps to prevent misunderstandings.

What’s in the Service Agreement Contract?

The contract should contain everything both parties need to know about a service. Usually, this will include the following:

  • The services provided
  • The cost of the services
  • The duration of the services
  • How the provider will provide the services

What Is a Full-Service Agreement?

A full-service agreement offers full coverage of your refurbished equipment. The supplier will remedy most problems no matter what happens. All you need to do is pay one fixed annual price. 

The following are the specific services that most full-service agreements include.

24-Hour Hotline

This hotline can be a godsend for medical facilities open 24 hours a day. Technicians can often figure out a machine’s problems over the phone. So, your facility will experience only a small delay in its services when issues arise.

On-Site Response

Technicians will sometimes need to make a more accurate diagnosis by inspecting your medical equipment in person. While searching for a supplier, you should check if they can offer timely service.

Preventative Maintenance

You shouldn’t rely solely on repair services alone. Preventative maintenance services can keep your imaging equipment, electronic equipment, etc., running 24/7. Maintenance technicians can catch problems most people can’t see, and they can then fix these issues before they become worse.

Part Upgrade and Replacement

Sometimes, technicians cannot repair parts of medical equipment, and if that happens, the technicians will need to replace the parts.

Some full-service agreements also offer medical equipment upgrades. Technicians will replace older parts with newer ones, improving your machine’s functions.

It’s a good idea to get both of these services in your full-service agreement. You may have to pay more to replace the part if you leave it out.

Application Support

Application specialists can also help your laboratory build protocols, train, and address licensing or accreditation questions you may have. The provider’s expertise in these materials will ensure your medical facility’s success in the long term. 

What Are the Types of Full-Service Agreements?

There’s not just one type of full-service agreement. You have a few different options; some are listed below. Consider what your medical facility needs, and this can help you choose the right type of contract agreement.

Multi-Year Agreement

Many suppliers will offer discounts for longer contracts. You’ll have more money to use elsewhere, and you also won’t need to renegotiate your contract every year.

However, this contract will lock you in for many years. Check that you’re satisfied with your medical equipment supplier before you sign a long contract.

Multi-Equipment Agreement

Do you need to get multiple pieces of used medical equipment at once? Consider getting them all from the same supplier. You can then enter into a full-service agreement that covers multiple pieces of equipment.

Suppliers will often offer discounts for this type of contract as well. Again, though, make sure you trust your supplier. It can be highly inconvenient to have many pieces of medical equipment malfunction at once.

Custom Agreement

Some suppliers offer a customized full-service agreement, and some don’t. Those that do offer a custom contract usually don’t advertise this offering. You have to ask them about it.

Most providers will want to win your business, so they will allow you to fully negotiate your contract. You can replace services you don’t need with ones you do need. You can also change the response time, service coverage hours, etc.

What Are the Benefits of a Service Agreement?

You may still be wondering about the ways a full-service agreement benefits you, the customer. The following list contains a few examples of these benefits, but it is by no means an exhaustive list.

Keep Your Refurbished Equipment Running

Refurbished medical equipment may not always function as well as new medical equipment. Having a repair, replacement, and maintenance service on your side makes up for these potential issues. 

Pay Less For More Services

Paying for each refurbished equipment service individually can get costly. With a full-service agreement, the price is fixed. You’ll likely end up paying less for the same amount of service.

Just make sure that you take full advantage of your services. This way, you’ll save money and keep your equipment up and running 24/7.

Ensure Supplier Reliability

Suppliers who offer full-service agreements are trustworthy. They can’t afford to give you purposely faulty equipment. They’ll pay more in the long run for repairs and replacements.

Suppliers who don’t offer full-service agreements can get away with giving you low-quality equipment. Avoid them. Get a supplier that offers full-service agreements to get high-quality used equipment.

Choose Refurbished Equipment and Full Service Agreements from TTG Imaging Solutions

Why buy refurbished medical equipment and then be unable to use it? Get a full-service agreement and ensure you get the lower price without the problems of lower quality.

We can be your full-service used equipment supplier. At TTG Imaging Solutions, we offer a diverse portfolio of medical equipment. Fill out the form on this page for more information.