The field of medical imaging has seen a rapid evolution in the last few decades, with newer technologies and techniques being developed constantly. One such technology that has revolutionized medical imaging is the PET/CT imaging system. A combination of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computed Tomography (CT), this imaging modality provides a more comprehensive view of the body and is highly useful in the diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions.

If you are currently operating a PET imaging department, upgrading to a PET/CT imaging department can bring many benefits. Here are some reasons why making the switch to PET/CT could be a smart move for your facility.

Better Diagnostic Capabilities

As many of you know, PET/CT combines the metabolic information provided by PET with the anatomical information provided by CT. This allows for a more accurate and comprehensive diagnosis of various medical conditions, including cancer, heart disease, and neurological disorders. With a PET/CT imaging system, physicians can visualize both the location and activity of abnormal cells in the body, leading to more accurate diagnoses and better treatment planning. The addition of CT also allows for better attenuation correction, a huge benefit when assessing cardiac defects or small tumors. The ability for the system to use Hounsfield units to correct PET data results in higher confidence when determining cardiac defects and SUV levels when evaluating lesions. 

Improved Patient Care

PET/CT imaging is a more patient-friendly modality than PET alone. PET/CT scans take less time to perform. Traditionally, PET only systems require one or two transmission scans that take considerably longer than an attenuation correction CT. Many older PET only scanners also have a smaller bore size. Most PET/CT systems have large bores ranging from 70 to 78 cm compared to 56 to 65cm. Additionally, PET/CT imaging provides more accurate information, leading to better treatment planning and potentially improving patient outcomes. 

Increased Revenue

Offering PET/CT imaging can attract more patients and referring physicians to your facility, as it provides more comprehensive diagnostic capabilities than PET imaging alone. This can lead to increased revenue and growth opportunities for your facility. There is no doubt that a majority of growth in molecular imaging has been in the PET tracer realm.  The list of new radiopharmaceuticals is exciting and growing every year. By utilizing a PET/CT you have the ability to offer these new exams to your referring and your patients. Having a PET/CT maximizes the results of these new radiopharmaceuticals. In addition, many reimbursements for PET only have been reduced while PET/CT reimbursements have been on a steady rise over the last 5 years with projections for continued increases in the future. In regards to Cardiac imaging, new CPT codes were released with older code 78492 being designated for PET only perfusion and new code 78431 being used for PET/CT perfusion. The difference in reimbursement is substantially greater with 78431 PET/CT. In addition to these new codes reimbursement for coronary flow reserve (CFR) /Myocardial blood flow (MBF) has been granted and many physicians have started using this new tool to further help diagnose patients.  While some PET only systems can facilitate CFR imaging, it is usually done so with aftermarket upgrades and reduction in allowable dose to minimize crystal saturation. An issue rectified on many newer PET/CT and with the attenuation correction of added CT, CFR data is more reliable.

Improved Efficiency

Having a PET/CT imaging system allows your facility to perform two imaging modalities in one exam, improving workflow and overall efficiency. This can lead to reduced patient wait times and a more streamlined imaging process for your staff. While a PET/CT will never be as capable as a dedicated CT scanner, especially those with higher slice count like 256, It does give you the ability to perform many different CT scans and many facilities use their PET/CT as an overflow system for their CT departments.

Getting Started

If you work in a PET imaging department, transitioning to a PET/CT imaging department may seem like a daunting task. However, it is a necessary step to keep up with the latest technology and provide the best possible care to your patients. Here are some steps you can take to make the transition as smooth as possible:

  1. Acquire the necessary equipment: The first step in transitioning to a PET/CT imaging department is to acquire the necessary equipment. This is critical. Making sure that you select the proper system for your patient load and department needs is crucial to having a successful venture. Not all systems are created equal, even if they have the same model name, configurations can vary vastly. We at TTG  are committed to physician/patient satisfaction. Our team of combined engineers and clinical specialists work directly with you to custom tailor a setup that will do just that.
  2. Train your staff: Once you have acquired the equipment, it is important to train your staff on how to use it. PET/CT imaging is more complex than PET imaging alone, so your staff will need to learn new skills to operate and interpret the images. You may need to hire additional staff members or send your existing staff members for training to ensure that they are fully prepared to use the new equipment.  TTG is the only third-party ISO with a dedicated applications/clinical specialist team in-house with over 100 years of experience!
  3. Update your protocols: PET/CT imaging requires different protocols than PET imaging alone. You will need to update your protocols to reflect the new technology and ensure that your patients are receiving the most accurate and effective imaging possible. Our clinical team are all registered technologist that have performed the studies your department are looking to offer your patients and will work closely with you and your team to produce the images you need to feel confident with your evaluations.
  4. Inform your patients: It is important to inform your patients of the changes in your imaging department. Let them know that you are now offering PET/CT imaging and explain the benefits of this technology. This will help them understand why you are making the transition and how it will benefit them.
  5. Market your new services: Finally, you will need to market your new PET/CT imaging services to attract new patients and retain existing ones. Highlight the benefits of PET/CT imaging and emphasize how it sets your facility apart from others in the area.

In conclusion, transitioning from a PET imaging department to a PET/CT imaging department may seem overwhelming, but it is a necessary step to provide the best possible care to your patients. TTG can offer you the end-to-end solutions you need. Acquiring the necessary equipment, training your staff, updating your protocols, informing your patients, and marketing your new services,  we can help make the transition as smooth as possible and position your facility as a leader in medical imaging technology.